As I was reading the CJ on Monday October 17, I noticed that our number of stories had dropped dramatically. Normally we had around twenty stories in the paper alone and seventeen or so online. We only had thirteen stories on Monday in the paper itself. I was really curious why. I have not come to a complete reason, but I do have some theories.
First is simply because it was a Monday. Maybe they didn't have anything that wasn't in the Sunday paper to be put in the Monday paper. It would make sense, considering that the Sunday paper is typically a bigger paper than most.
Second, it could have been a low news week. There are always going to be some of those. The CJ could have just not had many stories to post. Something to back up this theory is the crime stories were higher than usual. We don't see too many crime stories in the CJ, but on Monday we saw more than usual. Maybe without the normal abundance of stories, they put more crime to fill in the gaps.
The like ability of these theories being correct is highly unlikely, but I still found it interesting that the Career didn't have many stories on Monday. That's why I came up with my theories.
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