I was having a hard time finding out how to respond to a fellow classmate's blog. To solve this problem I just started to read other’s blogs. That's how I came across Patrick’s blog post on Print Journalism. I have already stated what I felt when listening to the lecture Mr. Miller gave and my thoughts on it, but I, of course, did not know Patrick's side. He, with his writing, said some things that caught my eye while reading.
The first thing that caught my eye was “One downsize of print journalism is that you do not receive the information or news as soon as it happens. With print journalism, you have to wait for breaking news for weeks or in many cases months.” This totally opened up my eyes. I had never even thought of that. I was so intertwined with my own little world that I’ve never gave a second glance to the fact that the print aspect of journalism is never an immediate resource to find out the very latest information.
Patrick also stated how he found that a lot of the lecture was date and history heavy, which I agree with. I do feel he put a more positive swing on that more than did. Overall, though, I really enjoyed reading Patrick’s blog post on Print Journalism, it really forced me to more open minded about topics.
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